The cell
As we know, the cell is the base of life on the earth, the members of the cell differ as the type of the cell, we find many different types of cell
The most important divide is Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cell
Prokaryotic cell is simpler than Eukaryotic cell. Usually found in single cells. The majority of cells on the Earth are prokaryotic. There are two kinds of prokaryotic:
The four main component of the all prokaryotic are: Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm, Genetic materials, Ribosome.Some other prokaryotic cells have an extra component as the cell wall or flagella.prokariotic cell don’t have a nucleus.
The genetic material (DNA or RNA) is found in the middle of the cell swimming in the cytoplasm.No mitochondria and no chloroplast in prokaryotic cells. Cell movement by flagella. Cell division in prokaryotic is simple division “binary fission”.
Eukaryotic cell
Eukaryotic cells are structurally more complex and larger than prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells include Plants, animals, fungi, slime moulds, protozoa, and algae. Eukaryotic cells found in single cells, colonies, specialized cells in multicultural organisms. The most important component of the eukaryotic cell is the nucleus.
The genetic material in eukaryotic usually is DNA in chromosomal shape which is associated with membrane “producing the final shape of the nucleus”.
The cellular function:
The cellular function differs as the organism and the place of the cell, but the common processes between all cells are growing and metabolism.
Growth of the cell:
It contains cell development and cell division
First cell development it contains cell enlargement, cell shape and cell polarity.cell enlargement as its place and function also the cell take the suitable shape to its function in the organism or according to the organism type(unicellular or multicellular), polarity of the cell differ according the environment of the cell and also according to its function.
Second cell division which divide to three types of division: asexual fission, mitosis, and meiosis.
Cell division process happens as the result of sexual or asexual reproduction.
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